mod_userdir broken.
Herman Bos
2005-12-17 11:10:57 UTC

I'm running
Apache/2.0.54 (Ubuntu) with mod_chroot/0.5

The problem I encounter is that mod_userdir seems broken (as soon as i
load mod_chroot).

I thought mount bind /home into the chroot would be enough. (And i'm
sure this works correctly since the virtual hosts who point to something
in /home do work).

However its displays a nice Not Found error when I surf to host/~username.

Some tips/hints would be great. I couldnt find anything in the gmane

Thanks in advance,

Herman Bos
Marek Gutkowski
2005-12-19 08:46:58 UTC
Post by Herman Bos
I'm running
Apache/2.0.54 (Ubuntu) with mod_chroot/0.5
The problem I encounter is that mod_userdir seems broken (as soon as i
load mod_chroot).
I thought mount bind /home into the chroot would be enough. (And i'm
sure this works correctly since the virtual hosts who point to something
in /home do work).
However its displays a nice Not Found error when I surf to host/~username.
Some tips/hints would be great. I couldnt find anything in the gmane
You also need to copy /etc/passwd - that's where Apache looks when
mapping ~username to a filesystem path.

Marek Gutkowski
Clement Hermann
2005-12-22 14:41:56 UTC
Post by Marek Gutkowski
You also need to copy /etc/passwd - that's where Apache looks when
mapping ~username to a filesystem path.
note that if you use ldap or another network authentification system,
this would change.

use getent passwd in the chroot to check if it would work.

Clément 'nodens' Hermann